We are looking for overseas corporate sponsors from various industries, food, beverage, clothing, jewelry, office supplies, automobile, etc.
In addition to them, Governmental Visitors Bureau and NGO listed in top of around 80.

listed in top of around 80.

We have tickets for web banner link of 3 kinds, Silver Sponsor, Gold Sponsor and Platinum Sponsor.

[Company logo image size]
Platinum Sponsor : 230px × 110px
Gold Sponsor : 170px × 110px
Silver Sponsor : 110px × 110px

Company logo image size
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor

The period of service: One year

Your company logo will be pasted on this page.

How to buy the ticket

[STEP 1 ] Before buying the ticket, leave the request of quick check in the comment below. Then comment with which one you would like.
NOTE : The comment is not in public.
We will reply to our Email in a few days.

[STEP 2 ] If you are Ok, we will give you a receipt number .

[STEP 3 ] Log in our online shop. (If you are not a membership yet, you need to make a enrollment. )

[STEP 4 ] When filling in the Shipping and payment, make sure to fill in the Notes field with the receipt number .

[STEP 5] Click the Next button and go to Confirmation.

Any comment else, please post here.

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