1. Prod1uct concept

“Best gift for the best partner” is the product concept of our online shop.
We have products that support couples and lovers who are connected with a firm bond and a strong, trusting relationship. All our products have the shop’s original illustrations on them, featuring the story of two people, guided by the stars, being tied up and swearing their eternal love to one another, designed as a single illustration.

2. About shop account

We are limiting our shop accounts to [A volunteer with a return], [Corporations].
What’s the [A volunteer with a return] ? You can learn more about our volunteers to click the link below.

About our volunteers

In case of [A volunteer with a return]

In case of [A volunteer with a return], when making an enrollment, you can fill in address fields with a Post Restante address nearest your home or work address instead of those.

You can do …
1). Making a donation of some money to us.
2). Getting an item from us.
3). using the our message service on the online shop.

In case of [Corporation], when making an enrollment, you can fill in Name field with a Company Name instead of personal name.

You can do …
1). Making a donation of some money to us.
2). Getting an item from us.
3). being the sponsor of this project to build a new type of sustainable city.

3. What products and services will we sell?

A. Products

We are going to sell a wide range of products from food to wine, beer, clothing, jewelry, watches , fountain pen and cars etc. In the future, we are planning to sell a new type of sustainable city for couples and their loved ones to live in on the online shop. We have two price ranges for each of our products: high and reasonable.

You can see the items for sell list. Click here!

B. Services

We will provide you with services of 3 kinds. A message services, making a donation of money to us and web banner link. You will get a service point when buy these service tickets above as well as products from us.

Services of 3 kinds
A message servicisa) A message services
NOTE: This service is available to individuals only. Not available to corporations.

This service is for couples and lovers who are connected with a firm bond and a strong, trusting relationship. and this will be a strong tool for them to boost the trusting relationship between them.
The period of service: One year

What’s the message services?
b) Making a donation of money to us

This service is available to both corporations and individuals.
You can also combine four different types of tickets, $5, $10, $50, $100, and donate the amount you want.
c) Web banner link
NOTE: This service is available to corporations only. Not available to individuals.

You can choose one of three different types of tickets, Silver Sponsor, Gold Sponsor and Platinum Sponsor.

[Banner size]
1). Platinum Sponsor : 230px × 110px
2). Gold Sponsor: 170px × 110px
3). Silver Sponsor: 110px × 110px

The period of service: One year

Go to Sponsors Page

How to buy the ticket

Go to Online Shop

4. Note:

The points you got will be made use of quantifying how much you have contributed towards our goal and the amount you have contributed when our goal is met.